Matt Murphy
Get To Know Me
My Background
My name is Matt Murphy, and I am from Peabody, Massachusetts. I received my BA in Communication & Media Studies from Plymouth State in May of 2022.
I have always been fascinated with communication whether it’s verbal, non-verbal etc. And the program at Plymouth State does a fascinating job in helping you learn but also being efficient in all forms of communication.
All my life I have been communicating whether it be on a sports field, class room, or even growing up in the new world of the digital age. And Plymouth State has helped me understand and reflect on all these different types of communication and how they affect not only me, but others.
Academic Experience
My Studies
January 2023 - June 2025
Degree, School Name
This is a concise description of your past educational institution and the degree or qualification you received. Tip from the pros: focus on degrees and experience that are relevant to your professional world today.
January 2023 - June 2025
Degree, School Name
This is a concise description of your past educational institution and the degree or qualification you received. Tip from the pros: focus on degrees and experience that are relevant to your professional world today.
January 2023 - June 2025
Degree, School Name
This is a concise description of your past educational institution and the degree or qualification you received. Tip from the pros: focus on degrees and experience that are relevant to your professional world today.
January 2023 - June 2025
Degree, School Name
This is a concise description of your past educational institution and the degree or qualification you received. Tip from the pros: focus on degrees and experience that are relevant to your professional world today.
My Skillset
Competence & Aptitude
Spanish Fluency
Customer Service
Project Management
"Whatever you are, be a good one"