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Learning Outcome #3

The ability to analyze and explain the moral, ethical and cross-cultural imensions of

To me I believe this means just having the ability to understand what someone is trying to say when they are communicating. And not exactly their on the surface words, but how they say it, and trying to understand what they actually mean. When you are communicating with someone it is not always just a black and white conversation. You have to be able to read into messages to actually understand what they mean. 


That's why for this learning outcome, the assignment I think fits the most is my Personal Project I did for my Journalism in the Digital Age course this semester. For this assignment I researched how sports journalist cover athletes and how these journalist use their messages to paint athletes in a negative light, thus using them for personal gain. 


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I believe this fits the learning outcome because while doing this research it helped me realize even more that there are always multiple meanings to messages. In this case in particular it helped me realize people will use negative messages towards people for personal gain (views, clicks, interaction etc.) This helped me be able to analyze different messages whether it be an article or on the radio. I could be able to get a read if it seemed genuine or the message was immoral or unethical. While doing the research, it makes you over analyze messages, which sometimes can be a bad thing, but in this particular case I think it was good because it makes you think. It made me think about every angle possible. Someone could have said something in a 5 second clip but I had to decipher what they were actually trying to say. And that is very important for every facet of your life. Work, school, social life it doesn't matter. If you look at every conversation as black & white you will never understand anything. There are always underlying moral, ethical and cross-cultural imensions of messages.

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