Learning Outcome #1
The ability to read, write, listen, and present in various contexts and for various audiences.
When you are a communications major at Plymouth State you have no choice but to learn the ability to readwrite, listen, and present in various contexts and for various audiences. Here at Plymouth it feels like just about every week you are presenting some type of new information to your classmates, as well as your classmates presenting new information to you. And for me this applies to when I had to make a presentation on advertising for a play by using graphic design. So this isn't your typical type of communication, nor is it for your typical type of audience of just class mates. Here you had only use graphic design to get your point across, and you are trying to grab the eye of play-goers, not just a 18-22 year-old student.
History of Graphic Design
November 2020
I thought this assignment fits the first learning outcome in many ways, and not only that, it helped me learn a new skill and how to communicate in a new way I never thought I would. Sure I've done what feels like hundreds of regular slide shows with words on it that I read off to a class. But in this particular assignment, I think it fits the fist learning outcome perfectly because it includes present in various context. And when I had this assignment it was the first time I was ever on my own in having to graphic design something. This being an advertisement for the play "Wicked." And when I reflect on this assignment I can only help but think this has helped me in many ways. It made me teach myself graphic design on my own, and presenting something that is only graphic design was great practice as well.