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Learning Outcome #4

The ability to apply communication and media theories to critically analyze real-world issues and employ practical, innovative solutions.

I believe this means you are able identify real-world issues, and have the ability to communicate with other parties to find solutions, ideas etc. The artifact I am choosing is a power point on Interracial Marriage. Interracial Marriage isn't exactly a real-world issue anymore as it is widely accepted now. But before it wasn't and I think this project helped me realize how important it is to communicate about world issues. This helped us get a better understanding of interracial marriage, and spread awareness through PSU because of our survey. This was done for my Intercultural Communications course in the Fall of 2020. 


Learning Outcome #4: Text

This assignment has really broadened my perspective on interracial marriages and relationships. Before learning about interracial partnerships in class, I had never given it much attention. I think it's fascinating that so many individuals know someone or are involved in an intercultural relationship. This only goes to illustrate how common interracial partnerships are. And I learned all of this by the power of communication & our survey we did in the PSU community. This helped me realize we can use these different types of communication (survey, conversation etc) to open our eyes to issues we have never realized which leads into talking about practical solutions.

Learning Outcome #4: Text
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